Lease extension team complete

Martyn Davies highly experienced commercial property and lease extension solicitorFollowing my blog entry a few weeks ago about the appointment of a new lease extension solicitor, I’m really pleased to confirm that we’ve now completed the recruitment of our team. Martyn Davies, a highly experienced commercial property and lease extension solicitor has now formally joined us having been with this as a consultant solicitor for the last five months – we were so impressed by him, that we asked him to stay permanently and thankfully he agreed.

Martyn will conduct a mixed caseload of commercial property, lease enfranchisement and lease extension work – working alongside our other new leasehold extension specialist, Sam Davies, and our dedicated leasehold extensions paralegal. Sam, however, will be responsible for all of the firm’s right to manage company work.

Such is the rapid growth of our lease extension advice work, that ready to work we do on behalf of tenants is equal to our residential conveyancing work. Our plan is to increase the number of tenants we help with extending a lease over the next three years by up to 300%. Now that we have finally managed to recruit the right solicitors, we have got the full specialist team in place, and as a result I’m confident that will be able to hit our lease extensions target.

For Lease Extension advice to trust – contact us today

Our expert Lease Extension team can advise you wherever you live in England or Wales, and we don’t even need to see you – taking your instructions by e-mail, phone and Skype video:

  • Just call us on [01722] 422300 for a FREE initial phone consultation and a FREE quote for your lease extension
  • Complete the contact form below